Everyone’s Welcome
Sunday Worship @ 10:30am
363 Alabama Street Odenville, Alabama 35133 – Get Directions
First Baptist Church Odenville is a loving group of Christ followers gathered to worship and witness for Jesus Christ. We are a traditional Baptist church and we welcome all people to worship with us. We want everyone to be comfortable as we gather to worship, so we encourage attendees to modestly dress for comfort. You will find people dressed in a variety of ways. Our goal is to focus on worshiping Christ.
When You Arrive
- When you arrive for worship, enter through the main entrance, which leads into the sanctuary. If you can’t navigate the front steps, enter the Educational building to the left of the sanctuary and take the elevator on the immediate right to the second floor. Exit the elevator to the left and proceed to the crosswalk on the right, which enters the sanctuary.
- When you arrive for Sunday school, enter the Educational building to the left of the sanctuary. All Sunday School classes are on the first floor except the youth class which is on the second floor.
When you enter the sanctuary, you will be offered a bulletin containing the general order of worship and announcements for coming events.

Frequently Asked Questions
What time is the service and what is it like?
Sunday School classes for all ages is at 9:30-10:30am.
Worship service is 10:30am- 11:30am. The atmosphere is relaxed but reverent, the worship songs are inspiring and appropriate to the message, and the Bible-based expository messages are meaningful and relevant to daily life.
Is FBC Odenville part of a denomination?
At First Baptist Church Odenville, we are a participating church in the Southern Baptist Convention. As with all SBC churches, we are an independent autonomous local church. Our vision, mission and values are our own and are the heart of who we are.
Do you offer Sunday School classes?
We offer Sunday School classes for all ages. Each one is taught by a different member of our church and they all start at 9:30am on Sunday morning. In our Sunday school classes we study the Bible in a relaxed atmosphere with group discussion.
What about my children?
Programs are available for all children from toddlers through High School age. Through our programs on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, children and youth learn how the Bible fits into their lives, and how to be a lifelong follower of Jesus.
What should I wear?
At our services, you’ll see people dressed in a wide range of attire, from casual clothes to dress clothes. Please come as you are and dress comfortably.
How do I give to FBC Odenville?
For Sunday worship services, we have offering plates on the information table as you enter the sanctuary.
Do you live stream the services?
FBC Odenville live streams all services from the main sanctuary on our Facebook page. You can also access it by clicking the ‘watch live’ button at top of this website.
Have Questions? Let us help!
Still have questions about our church? Please use the form below and one of staff will get back to you shortly.